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Piles or hemorrhoid is the anorectal condition gives pain in the anus. The itching and throbbing irritate patient, and things become upside down. Sometimes patient discharges blood at the time of bowel action and restrict the smooth bowel discharge. The person feels severe pain and discomfort near the anal area. As a specialized in Piles treatment, “Dr. Kamthe Piles Clinic” understands your pain and discomfort.

The hemorrhoids may be the internal or external type irritates the skin around the anus. If you are suffering from the same problem, Dr. Kunal Kamthe will help you to reduce the pain and discomfort.

Stop adverse exercises

Performing strenuous exercises like lifting heavy weights, too much cycling, running, etc. are not suitable for health. Such activities are dangerous from a health point adds the stress around your anus and may worsen the bleeding problem. Instead, to moderate and healthy activities.

Ignore itching

Itching near anal area is well-known with piles, but try to avoid the scratching of the anal skin. The scratching the skin means worsening the condition. Sometimes it may lead to infections and increases the complications.

Stay away from the unhealthy habits

Eating and drinking habits have a significant impact on the human body and hence try to avoid the carbonated, caffeine-containing beverages. As we know the carbon-containing refreshments does not have any nutritional value and caffeine induces the dehydration and leads to constipation.

Raise the fibres and water intake

Eating more fibre-rich food softens stools and makes the natural discharge through the anus. The foods such as fruits and veggies prevent the gases and bloating issue. Drinking water and other fluids keep your body hydrated and maintains the soft stool. Drink nearly 7-8 glasses of water daily.

Pay attention towards personal hygiene

Improper hygiene can worsen the piles and some other proctology diseases. So to avoid the pain and anorectal complications you should clean the area with the warm water. Do not forget to wipe the area with soft tissues.

Prefer Sitz bath

Sitz bath means soothing and cleaning of the lower portion of your body. This method reduces the discomfort from your genital organ.

Live a stress-free life

Too much stress not only affects piles but also leads to the majority of the health complications. Mental pressure makes the person idle, due to which a person develops sitting habits. Long time sitting in one place means an invitation to the piles and some other anorectal diseases.

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