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COVID overview

All viruses – including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 – evolve over time. When a virus replicates or makes copies of itself, it sometimes changes a little bit, which is normal for a virus. These changes are called “mutations”. A virus with one or more new mutations is referred to as a “variant” of the original virus as covid new strain.

What is covid delta plus variant?

The variant, called “Delta Plus” in India, was first reported in a Public Health England bulletin. The new Delta plus variant has been formed due to a mutation in the Delta or B.1.617.2 variant. Delta Plus (AY.1). The mutation is the result of the Delta variant acquiring the spike protein mutation K417N to form what is scientifically known as the AY.1 variant. This mutation of Sars-CoV-2, which helps the virus enter and infect the human cells.

Experts believe Delta Plus has increased transmissibility but it is still not very clear as to how virulent this new strain is in comparison to other variants.

Vaccines and COVID delta plus variant

Laboratory tests by scientists have shown the new covid Variant Delta Variant to have stronger resistance to vaccines than other variants and are contagious. There has been published in a reputed journal which mentioned that the antibody levels in people who took certain mRNA vaccines were six times lower in the presence of the Delta variant when compared to the antibody levels against the original COVID-19 strain for which the vaccine was made.

However, the real-world observations and data will differ and play a significant role in determining the vaccine’s effectiveness against delta variants. Public Health England published data to show that a certain mRNA vaccine prevents 96% of hospitalization caused by the Delta variant. The Adenovirus Vaccine has also revealed 60% efficacy against the delta variant.

Now coming to the Delta Plus variant, scientists say that the delta plus variant is a very dangerous variant as it transmits faster. However, there is little knowledge about its severity or resistance to antibodies. Some reports claim that the Delta plus (AY.1) is resistant to monoclonal antibodies, but more research is required in this area. Multiple studies are ongoing in India and globally to test the effectiveness of vaccines against the Delta plus Covid-19 mutation.

Things you can do to fight against delta plus variant

The new strain Virus Delta Plus variant is more transmissible and spreads faster than the previous variants, maintaining social distance is extremely important.

  • 1. Move out of your house only when it is necessary
  • 2. Wear a Face Mask when you are moving out of your house.
  • 3. Wash your hands properly with Sanitizer and soap before leaving and entering the house.
  • 4. Take vaccine. Do not miss your vaccination dose. The delta plus variant may have shown to dominate vaccines in the laboratory, but we still do not know how it will behave if its effects have a large population. So, take vaccine to keep yourself and your family safe.
  • 5. Maintain Social Distancing. Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth without washing your hands.
  • 6. If you have fever, cough, breathing difficulty or any COVID-19 symptom, then isolate yourself from your family and report to a doctor immediately.
  • 7. Headache, sore throat, and runny nose are the major symptoms of the delta variant. So, keep an observation for such symptoms.
  • 8. A proper and healthy diet can ensure the best way to boost immune system that can resist any onslaught by the virus. A certain amount of particular nutrients are necessary for Individuals. Parasmani Prash is one such immunity booster which can help to fight against the virus by providing nutrients to the body.


A proper and healthy diet can ensure the best way to boost immune system that can resist any onslaught by the new covid variant. A certain amount of particular nutrients are necessary for Individuals.

In the era of COVID-19, strong immunity has become the primary need of every individual more than ever before.

Parasmani Prash is a powerful combination of over 20 herbs in Unique combination like Gold bhasma (Surva Bhasma), Silver Bhasma (Rajat Bhasma), Real Saffron (Kesar) and the primary benefit is Abhrak Bhasma Ingredient, a powerful mineral compound. It is the most potent chyawanprash for all age groups.

Parasmani Prash is one of the best prash to buy during covid 19.It assures you with our quality and taste.

There is no harm in consuming Parasmani Prash, home remedies for covid new strain so as to protect yourself from COVOD -19 infection and to practice healthy hygiene thereby protecting the body from everyday infections like cough, cold & fever.

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आपला ई-मेल अड्रेस प्रकाशित केला जाणार नाही. आवश्यक फील्डस् * मार्क केले आहेत

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