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What is an anal fissure and its symptoms?

Fissurein ano is an extremely common condition.
It is very difficult to know how it spreads in day-to-day practice. All anal problems encountered in practice anal represents one of the most common if not, the single, most common.

What is fissure :
A Fissure is a painful tear in the epithelium lining of the digital anal canal.
patients typically complains of severe anal pain burning, lasting minutes two hours during and after motion,
bleeding is commonly seen either on the toilet tissue or with stool surface in the form of bright red colour .
Types of Anal fissure:

  1. Acute fissure in ano
  2. ⁠Chronic fissure in ano

Fissure which is newly and present within four weeks is known as acute fissure.

Fissure persistence of symptoms beyond six weeks is known as chronic fissure .

anal Fissure are mostly seen in the posterior midline and in interior midline, that is, if we imagine the clock 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock position.

Many patients relate the occurrence of fissure to the passage of a hard stool or anal trauma. Anal sphincter tonicity and blood flow are the basis of the current hypothesis. Trauma to the annual canal is the primary initiating factor possibly due to the passage of hard stool, surprisingly, constipation is not always reported and some patient describe repeated episode of diarrhoea.
So Fissure cannot produce only because of constipation. It may produce because of diarrhoea also.

Fissure symptoms:

1.Bright red bleeding with stool
2.Pain or burning for minutes to hours after motion
3.Anal spasm may remain for hours.

Sign and symptoms of a typical features:
typical features can see anywhere in the anal canal. It can be associated with other disease, may be crohns disease,HIV ,Cancer, Syphilis,tuberculosis.

These are main signs and symptoms of fissure can be evaluate after physical examination and thereafter if needs can do surgical procedure, but many of fissures can be cured by conservative management and medical management.

We Dr Kamthe’s piles clinic, Surgical Hospital and research Centre Pune ,India having dedicated team of doctors who specialised in proctology to treat it very effectively. Our approach of treating fissure is 1st conservative treatment, natural remedies, Ayurveda remedies, certain healing ointments and dietary management. We try to prevent anal fissure as we can. we also explain and educate Patient about the risk factors for anal features and complications of anal features so that they can manage diet and maintain the lifestyle to prevent further fissure complications.

टिपणी करा

आपला ई-मेल अड्रेस प्रकाशित केला जाणार नाही. आवश्यक फील्डस् * मार्क केले आहेत

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