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Understanding the symptoms of piles

Piles or haemorrhoids are very complicated diseases when not treat in time. Every patient are having different complaints of piles nowadays it is also called as national disease. Every family, one or two members suffer from piles.
Understanding of symptoms for piles are very easy. One should thoroughly read and understand symptoms of piles and then follow home remedies, good diet, proper medication and timely surgical opinion.
Signs and symptoms of files are seen as follows

  1. Bleeding.- It is very common symptom in piles, many patients suffers from bleeding with or after defecation of blood may vary, it can be in drops or in teaspoon. Colour of blood maybe bright red or dark red or clotted blood, so it is very important that the type of bleeding colour of bleeding in diagnosis purpose.
  2. ⁠ Pain – It is major factor in piles. Only some patients are having pain in anal region during and after defecation. Generally, 2nd°, 3rd° or 4° piles are having pain if piles are associated with fissure or associated with Fistula, then pain will be more after motion (defecation),so to rule out the pain factor in piles is very important. Some patients may not have any kind of pain. It can see in second and 3rd°.
  3. ⁠ Burning – Burning factor is very common when piles are associated with fissures or ulcers when there is an infection that may also cause burning after motion or burning after stool passing. Burning may remains for some time or some hours or full day. Proper examination for diagnostic purpose is very important. In case of chronic piles and chronic Fish burning maybe on and off
  4. ⁠ Swelling – piles are having many types. 1st°. Internal piles cannot come outside during stool passing, so patient may not feel any swelling or any enlargement externally to anus in case of 2nd°, 3rd degree, degree and 4°. Patient may have swelling or something is coming out from the Anna externally, many cases, this swelling goes in automatically in some cases want to push manually or remains outside. These are painful conditions, so one should take care of the symptoms for piles and take proper advice.

These are the main four symptoms for piles which we can see in majority cases, but there are some other symptoms for piles also like itching in anal region, sticky discharge from anus, uncomfortableness, constipation, bloating, gases formation and many more. So for the understanding the symptoms for piles is very, very important for treatment , of piles if we know the proper signs and symptoms of piles, then medication, diet and surgery can be done effectively and permanently.

Dr. Kamthe’s Piles Clinic , surgical hospital & research centre is Punes best hospital for piles treatment is having integrated treatment and surgical options for complete eradicate of piles. It is purely proctology Hospital in Pune deals with Piles,Fissure,Fistula Pilonidal sinus ,hernia ,hydrocel,Perianal abscess and many surgeries.
Expert team of surgeon are healing with their magical hands.

One should not neglect Piles ,Treat in time and stay healthy and wealthy always.

टिपणी करा

आपला ई-मेल अड्रेस प्रकाशित केला जाणार नाही. आवश्यक फील्डस् * मार्क केले आहेत

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